A floating description label which appears when hovering over an element.


⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + 1


property propType required default description
isSubmit bool - false Make the button act as a submit button
isDisabled bool - false Prevent users from interacting with the button
width oneOf 'default' | 'full' - 'default' Various height and width options
isLink bool - false Changes the button to a div for insertion within a Link component
onBlur func - () => {} Function that fires when the button loses focus
onClick func - () => {} Function that fires when the button is clicked on
onMouseDown func - () => {} Function that fires when the button is mouse downed
ariaLabel string - - Describes buttons that have an icon but no text
children node yes - Text within the button
isActive bool - - Render button with active state
size oneOf 'tiny' | 'small' | 'large' | 'narrow' | 'tight' - - Various height and width options
style oneOf 'highlight' | 'danger' | 'danger-outline' | 'outline' | 'outline-reverse' | 'plain' | 'toggle' | 'underline' | 'unstyled' - - Various color options
testSection string - - Hook for automated JavaScript tests


Tooltips are used to provide additional information about an atom or molecule. These can be helpful when it might be unclear what a particular molecule does when clicked. For example: when the root navigation collapses, and a tooltip is provided for each navigation item because the labels are hidden.

What's Inside a Tooltip?

Tooltips contain text only. They should not contain images, links or other UI elements. You should try to keep the contents of a tooltip short. Ideally, less than 80 characters.

Best Practices


Keep them short. Consider using popovers for longer content.

Use a tooltip when labels aren't visible.


Don't use if the component it's attached to already has a label.

Don't add links, images or any content other than text to a tooltip.

Don't exceed two lines in the tooltip.