Tabs are used to segment sections of content or features. Tabs may also display content on different pages/URLs.


⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + 1


"TabNav.Tab" Component
childrennode--Text or element that appears within the component
isActivebool--Should the `TabNav.Tab` visually appear to be active
isDisabledbool--Boolean for whether the tab should be given the disabled class
onClickfuncyes-Function to perform when tab is clicked
tabIdstringyes-String to identify tab, used in conjunction with activeTab
testSectionstring--Hook for automated JavaScript tests
"TabNav" Component
activeTabstringyes-Id corresponding to which tab should be given the active class
childrennodeyes-Set of Tab components
style[oneOf 'center' | 'dashboard' | 'header' | 'left-pad' | 'plain' | 'small' | 'sub']--Various styles that can be given to the navigation
testSectionstring--Hook for automated JavaScript tests


Tabs are used as page-level navigation, and are visible at the top of every page that contains more than one subpage of content. These horizontal tabs change color on hover and on active state.

Clicking a tabnav link either changes the URL of page to view an entirely new page/section or changes a section of content on the same page without a URL change.

Types of Tabs

Normal Tabs
  • Largest of all tabs
  • Should be top level if possible
  • Used in dashboards and top level entities
Small Tabs
  • Can be placed directly below top level to provide an additional level of navigation
  • In most cases, sHould not be used as the top level item
  • Can be used inside code modules to select SDKs

Best Practices


All tabs in a group should all be verbs, nouns, stylistically similar, and short.


Don't use just one tab.