Radio buttons allow users to choose a single option from a list where all choices are always visible.


⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + 1


testSectionstring-nullHook for automated JavaScript tests
labelWeightoneOf 'light' | 'normal' | 'bold'-'normal'Font weight for the label text
checkedbool--Boolean to set radio input, for controlled component
defaultCheckedbool--Boolean for how radio input renders initially
isDisabledbool--Prevents radio input from being modified and appears disabled
labelstring | node--Text that describes the radio input
namestringyes- String that can be used to identify a set of radio inputs so that only one
in the set is checked at any given time.
onChangefunc--Function that fires when the radio input is clicked


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Best Practices


Use radio buttons to present all choices without hiding options behind a click (like Select or Dropdown) as this can aid more long-form reading and scanability of the page


Avoid presenting too many options; consider Select or Dropdown in these cases