A blocklist is a container for presenting a vertical list of content.

A blocklist presents a structured list of items for a user to choose from, such as links, buttons, or other items. Blocklists can also contain text, and various other components in additon to the main list content.

Most dropdowns present the user a blocklist of links when clicked.

Headers can help group content rows to indicate logical or related groupings of list items.

Target links are a link in the header that allow users to take an action that's related to all the content in the list, like the "View All" link for a list of audiences.

Inner Button

Buttons are used in-line to allow users to take an action on the specific item in the list, such as "View" or "Edit."


⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + 1


"BlockList.Item" Component
guttersoneOf 'loose' | 'tight'-'loose'Determines level of padding of item
childrennodeyes-String or JSX that appears within the component
hrefstring--URL to navigate to when clicking on the item
hrefTargetoneOf '_self' | '_blank'--Target that the link, if provided, should open in
hrefTitlestring--Sets the `title` attribute on an `href`
isDisabledbool--Disable the item
onClickfunc--Function that is run when clicking on the item
onMouseDownfunc--Function that is run when mouse-down event is fired on the item
testSectionstring--Hook for automated JavaScript tests
"BlockList.Category" Component
childrennodeyes-Items that appears within the category
headernode--Node or component that appears above the `children`
testSectionstring--Hook for automated JavaScript tests
"BlockList" Component
hasBorderbool-trueShould the `BlockList` contain a border on all sides
childrennodeyes-Should be subcomponents of `BlockList`
maxHeightnumber | string-- The max height of the `BlockList`. Pixels will be assumed if no unit is
testSectionstring--Hook for automated JavaScript tests


Block list should be used to display an unlabeled list. It's used both as a stand-alone content component and a sub component within other components (like Filter Picker or Dropdown.)

Best Practices


Include scroll bars when the list is too long

Separate logical groups of content in the list with line separators


Don't use with only text, make sure to include links or other list oriented content

Don't wrap the text of links