A sheet is a large modal that requests additional information from the user in order to complete a task. It often contains a title header, body of 3 or more form fields, and footer with buttons.


⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + 1


"Sheet" Component
hasCloseButtonbool-trueUsed to determine if the sheet should have a close button.
onClosefunc-() => {}Function to perform when the sheet is closed.
subtitlestring-''A subtitle for the sheet.
testSectionstring-''Identifier used to create data-test-section attributes for testing.
childrennodeyes-The body of the sheet to request information and data from the user.
footerButtonListarrayyes-Array of buttons used in the footer of the sheet.
titlestringyes-Main title of the sheet.


Sheets are intended to hold interactive content like forms and accept user input. Use a Sheet when users need to create, edit, or view forms with more than two inputs. If you need user acknowledgment or quick data entry, use a Dialog instead.

Best Practices


Use a Sheet to request more details and input from the user without interrupting their flow


Don't use Sheet to prompt users for a simple action