Filterable input filters a list of results or options as the user types.


⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + 1


property propType required default description
autoFillInputValue bool - false React component that renders a suggestion field
ActionField func - (props) => <span { ...props } /> React component that renders an action field
InputField func - Input If true, when suggestion is selected, input value is
updated to suggestion value
SuggestionField func - Suggestion React component that renders an input field
debounce number - 200 Sets the debounce time (ms)
filterBy func - (x) => x Function that takes a single suggestion
and returns a value for a query to match
maxHeight number - 200 Sets the maximum height of the suggestions list
onActionClick func - () => {} Function that is called when the action field is clicked
onInputChange func - () => {} Function that is called when the input field changes its value
onSuggestionClick func - () => {} Function that is called when a suggestion is clicked
placeholder string - '' Placeholder text of input field
stateful bool - true Determines if the list of suggestions should be managed internally
suggestions array - [] List of suggestions
TODO: make suggestions an instance of Immutable.List
testSection string - '' Hook for automated JavaScript tests
value string - '' Default Input value


Input (Filterable) presents the user with an input field and corresponding dropdown list that may contain a value or values that have been predetermined. The predetermined values may be user generated, or generated by our application.

Initial contents

Instead of an empty list, provide helpful shortcuts for the dropdown list like recent or popular items.

Filter as you type

A dropdown list appears as the user types, and contains a limited set of results based on the current input value.

Allowing adding of items

By default, the component only shows items that are selectable, without providing any means to add to the list. Optionally, you may provide an action field to allow the user to add items to the list.

Best Practices


Allow filtering as you type, avoid "Apply" or "Submit" buttons.

If the list of items can be managed by the user elsewhere in the application, provide an "Add Item" action.


Don't show an empty list initially. Populate with items the user may want.