A checkbox enables users to select one or more options from a visible list.


⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + 1


labelWeightoneOf 'light' | 'normal' | 'bold'-'normal'Font weight for the label text
checkedbool--Boolean to set checkbox, for controlled component
defaultCheckedbool--Boolean for how checkbox renders initially
isDisabledbool--Prevents checkbox from being modified and appears disabled
labelstring | node--Label that describes the checkbox
onChangefunc--Function that fires when the checkbox is clicked
testSectionstring--Hook for automated JavaScript tests


Use input checkboxes when you want to offer the user one or more selectable options. Input checkboxes require a label and are used in conjunction with a button to apply the selection.

Best Practices


Place the checkbox on the left side of the label

Keep the checkbox label text short


Place the checkbox on the right side of the label

Alter the size, color, or alignment