An alert is a notification which gives the user additional information about an action they need to take or be aware of. Alerts might include links and icons to reinforce specific messaging, or color to convey a level of urgency.


⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + 1


alignmentoneOf 'left' | 'center'-'left'How the text is aligned
typeoneOf 'bad-news' | 'brand' | 'good-news' | 'warning'-'brand'Various color schemes
childrenstring | nodeyes-Text that appears within the component
isDismissiblebool--Button allowing users to dismiss the component
testSectionstring--Hook for automated JavaScript tests


Alerts help users understand the implications of an action and make the right choice in the moment. Severity levels help them make that choice.

Levels of severity

It's important to choose the correct severity level, in order to convey the correct level of urgency and concer, but also avoid scaring users. The levels of alerts are shown below in order of severity.

Good News

Use this to indicate success of a user action.


This is the default. Use this to display information about tasks that aren't destructive and require no further action.


Use this to warn the user about possible unanticipated impact or if a follow-up action is required.

Bad News

Use this when the action is potentially destructive and something may be removed, or as confirmation of a destructive action. May require a follow-up action.



Static alerts are presented, and cannot be dismissed. They are purely informative.


Dismissible alerts have a close button that the user can click to dismiss the alert. When closed, the alert disappears entirely.

Best Practices


Place the alert at the top of the page or in context where needed

Include links as needed and ensure the alert is dismissible through user action

Limit links within an alert to a single primary action

Keep alert text clear and concise, ideally a single line of text, and two lines max

Never use alerts to directly inject marketing, sales, or educational content. Consider a butter bar instead.

Use a "Learn more" link in an alert to allow the user to find additional information on a topic.


Don't be vague. Use specific language in an alert to clearly explain potential implications and any actions the user needs to take

Don't be to wordy. Be concise.

Don't use multiple or stacked alerts. Consider combining the content into one alert block with multiple lines.

Don't use more than one link in an alert.