The code component displays its styled contents, usually a short fragment of computer code in a monospace font.


⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + 1


childrenstring--The code within the component
classNamestring--className provide the possibility for extra classNames
hasCopyButtonbool--Adds a copy button to code examples
isHighlightedbool--Apply syntax highlighting to the code
languageoneOf 'cs' | 'css' | 'diff' | 'html' | 'java' | 'javascript' | 'js' | 'jsx' | 'markdown' | 'md' | 'objectivec' | 'php' | 'python' | 'ruby' | 'scss' | 'swift'--Specify a language for the syntax highlighter
testSectionstring--Hook for automated JavaScript tests
typeoneOf 'inline' | 'block'yes-How the code should be displayed

Inline Example


Use to display code to the user, both inline and block, with syntax highlighting for many languages.

Best Practices


If the user needs to reference or interact with the text, consider the hasCopyButton prop


Avoid overloading a single code block with a wall of text, instead consider breaking up your content with headings and multiple code components

Don't expect interactivity with this component, for that you'll need to use the CodeMirror component in Optimizely.git