Badges are indicators which emphasize a status, count, state or value.

Using Badges

Badges are best used in conjunction with other components. They're placed inline or directly next to the thing it's measuring or indicating. Values provided by badges can be a simple word like "Primary" in the case of metrics, or a number like "7" when indicating the lines of code saved in the editor.


⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + 1


coloroneOf 'default' | 'draft' | 'live' | 'primary' | 'plain' | 'bad-news'-'default'Various color schemes
childrennodeyes-Text that appears within the component
testSectionstring--Hook for automated JavaScript tests
Don't confuse these with pills
Pills are a different thing...

Kinds of Badges

There are various kinds of badges to use in different situations. Badges are visually distinct from each other based on thier color.


Use this when you're not sure what else to use.


Indicate the number of draft changes in the editor.


Indicate the number of live changes in the editor.


Indicates when something is primary, such as primary metric, or showing what user is currently logged in.


A subtle badge. Use this when there are many badges on the screen, or when you need a more subdued indicator.

Bad News

Use when the count or label is dangerous, for example when an action failed or will result in potential data loss.

Using with Text

Badges can also be used with text.

Best Practices


Keep badges short, less than a couple words

Use to emphasize a count or datapoint

Use as a status indicator


Use long badge text

Wrap badge text

Overuse badges